Monday, July 25, 2011

Art Therapy: The art of possibilitities Exhibition

Art Therapy: The art of possibilitities Exhibitionart by art psychotherapsits: Bethany Mahadeo, Claudje Lecompte, Jane Griffen, Jannie Olsen Leach, Suzanne Staal, Tabitha Ford
at Percolator Gallery
134 La Trobe Terrace Paddington QLD
10th -15th August 10-5pm
Opening night Fri 12th 6-9pm

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Loop

Thanks so much for keeping me in the loop BrizCATS :)
Sorry I never made the connection on Saturday, I was busy at my first Brisbane week end workshop.
The YOGA LAUGH DRUM Workshop, held in Paddington went better than expected! 10 participants and myself. 90 minutes of yoga with live improvised music courtesy of Si Brittan (Wolphin Dhale~ The sound of art) on didge and percussion,and Alix Bidstrup (Actor/muso/creative) on keys, guitar and percussion.
The Laughter session lasted 35 minutes! Non stop laughs - such an amazing feeling of freedom and release.
The 2 hours of Drumming flew so fast, it was great fun, loud and explosive! Im sure Latrobe Terrace wondered what had hit it. (Beats me...) ;) get it...boom boom
Our next Worshop is planned for Saturday August the 25th.
I am hoping to meet and re meet my fellow BrizCATS very soon.
In the meantime keep me in your LOOP, I will keep you in mine and hopefully they will intermingle ...Loopy together :)