Friday, January 27, 2012

Spaces and Places Where We Create Project

Hi BrizCATs

I open an invitation to any of you who may wish to participate in an inspiring and connecting project: Spaces and Places where we create. This is a free online creative project for Arts Therapists and a could be an opportunity to make new connections and get your work  ‘out there’. I have signed BrizCATs up to take part. By participating through BrizCATs you can help us to grow our network of support.  You can also participate on your own or through your own organisation or workplace if that suits you. 
Here is some info below  or  go to )

    Spaces & Places: Where We Create is an art therapy community photo documentary project developed by Magdalena Karlick, ATR, LPAT, LPCC and Gretchen Miller, MA, ATR-BC inviting participants to submit a photo of their creative work space and favorite tools of the trade. Through social media and digital photo sharing, this collaborative project aims to provide education, awareness, inspiration, and understanding about the spaces & places, settings, populations, and materials that art therapists, art therapy students, expressive arts therapists, and art organizations work in and use for their practice.
Types of photos or video that this project is looking for include:
1. Images of your creative space: Where you work, intern, your own personal art-making space
2. Commonly used art supplies and media in your art therapy work or internship with clients
3. Favourite technique: An art intervention or technique approach with individuals or in groups
4. If your creative space has changed: Before and after photos

It’s quite simple really: take pics of your creative places and spaces and share them online.
There are several ways to share

·        Via BrizCATs; which will give our  network some recognition. Email  your photos and information to with :Where we Create” in the subject and I can  upload them for you onto our BrizCATs site, as well as forward them to the project on behalf of BrizCATs

·        Via your own work: contact the project organisers directly with :Where we Create” in the subject

I hope you will join us for some sharing of our creative spaces and places.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

BrizCATs gathering: a swap shop

Saturday 11th February 9.30-12.30

Start the year with fresh ideas and lively conversation with other creative arts practitioners and arts therapists. This is an opportunity to swap ideas, activities, books, resources etc  each person brings something to share (it could be in the form of a small installation of art work, web links and notes on activity and a display of business cards, brochure, etc. (bring copies for others).  An opportunity for creative arts therapists and practitioners to explore and connect.

All creative arts therapists/practitioners are welcome ... no cost ... our aim is to support, share, inspire each other.

When: Saturday 11th February 9.30-12.30

(we have booked the space from 9am til 1 for those want some time to set up before hand or just spend more time catching up)

Where: G Block: Innovative Space QUT Gardens Point

Not sure of where to go?

·        For those unsure of finding the venue you can meet at 9 and 9.30 at the “Artisan Cafe” and we will send someone to guide you to G Block. OR Phone Gayle on 0448877856

·        For those feeling adventurous  G Block is the building immediately behind/attached to the Artisan Cafe. Go in the wooden door and up the stairs...through the doors, down the corridor and to the left..usually there are signs inside the building. Here is a map

·        Parking is available onsite under the expressway see map D6:  $6 for 4 hours (note our session is 4 hours, but the room is booked for 5 hours so if you want to be there longer than the 4hours to set up you may need to move the car at some point)

What to Bring:

Snack to share,


A small display of ideas, books resources, art work, anything you want to share (or want feed back on)

Art materials

PS: could the ‘communal journal’ please be brought (by whoever has it now)so it can shared and be handed on.

We hope you can come and join us. Please let us know if you are coming

Monday, January 9, 2012

January News

Keep you eye out for the dates for the next BrizCATs gathering in February/March.

Lynne Head-Weir of Gold Coast Insight Arts Counselling is leaping into 2012 with a rich selection of workshops that may be of interest to CATs.

To have your event/workshops listed here please email Gayle

    Whats on with GC Insight Arts Counselling
Business hours   9am to 4pm  Wednesday to Saturday
   ·      Weekly Group Sessions :  Ongoing sessions to create increased understanding   1pm – 3 pm Fridays  [Fee - $40] 
·        Individual sessions :  Personalised sessions for privacy [Fee - $80. per hr ]  

·        Upcoming day session Dates : have been unexpectedly postponed due to unavailabilty: watch this pace for up coming events
Lynne Head-Weir
Gold Coast Insight Arts Counselling
