Monday, November 4, 2013

Our next Gathering at Story Bridge Hotel is CATs In Conversation
(look for the cat)

This is time to chat about how your work is going, what is exciting you right now and mentor up and coming CATs.
I hope you can come.  RSVP required (just in case something changes we can let you know) or text 0448877856 Name and 'Yes BrizCATs'

30 November 2013-1pm (Note change of time from previous)
CATs in Conversation: all welcome
(ACATA initiative but all welcome)
Story Bridge Hotel
Kangaroo Point
Lunch/Drinks available for purchase

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Upcoming Events

CATs In Conversation

13 July 2013

12.30pm till approx 3pm

CATs in Conversation: all are welcome

(ACATA initiative)

Story Bridge Hotel

Kangaroo Point

Lunch/Drinks available for purchase
All Creative Arts Therapists and Practitioners are welcome to join in a rich conversation about our work. Please RSVP to

Intuitive Dance and Art

Are you keen to dance and have time for self reflection?  (AND pick up some creative inquiry skills and practice in the process)
This is a weekly event in creative, expressive, intuitive dance with the opportunity to also reflect using art and journaling?
A chance to dance, be in our bodies, release and reflect.  (loosely using approaches from 5 Rhythms dancing, Authentic movement, creative dance, MIECAT, art therapies.....)

BrizCATs you are most welcome to join us.  The nights activities will have a loosely facilitated structure for participants to explore ...led by one of our creative arts therapists.  (your input is welcome too)
But this is not a class as there is no class fee...we just ask participants to share in the cost of the hall.  This will make for a very reasonable night of creativity and reflection(and exercise). You can expect to pay no more than$5- $15 for the night depending on numbers. You can bring friends, and those with no art therapy experience are also welcome. 
Please RSVP to
inlcude 'Yes to dancing' in the subject line and name and a mobile contact number (just in case we ever have to cancel).  If you would like a reminder text to be sent to you each week please include a note to say 'yes please text me reminders'.

Tuesdays:  7-9pm
arrive at 7 to warm up    
session runs 7.15to approx 8.50pm

CWA Hall
3 Waterloo Street

  • clothes suitable for movment , 
  • something warm to throw over you when not moving
  • a cushion or mat to sit on,
  • a journal
  • water
 PS: It has a Parquetry floor (wear shoes if you need support, otherwise bare feet)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Photos from PD

Photos from the recent PD are all now available .  If you click on the 'Links and Resource' Tab above and click on  'BrizCATs photos' you should be able to see and download pics (right click then 'copy' or 'save as'). If there are any pics you do not want to stay on this link please let me know the jpg number and I will remove.
I am still enjoying the after glow of these days with Warren and BrizCATs.

Next Gathering of BrizCATs 1 June

1st June 2013
CAT Clowder:
A gathering to explore Where we are now in our work: Peer Supervision. Bring a moment  in your work that you are curious about to explore
Gayle's Place
Alexandra Hills
Please email for the details
RSVP by 31 May
Tea and Coffee and some art materials  provided

BYO treats to share
Bring any favourite art materials, journal.

Friday, April 26, 2013

BrizCATs Survey

Hoping you can find time to take our BrizCATs survey.  We want to find out more about how BrizCATs is of use to our members.  It should only take a couple of minutes. If you have answered already using the link in the recent email there is no need to do it again. Thanks we hope this will assist us with how we manage BrizCATs in the future

Click on the link

Monday, April 22, 2013

BrizCATs MIECAT Professional Development Weekend with Warren Lett

Thanks to all for a richly nourishing weekend immersed in collaborative connection and meaning making. Warren Lett lovingly led us as we inquired into the value of presence in companioning.  The generosity of sharing over the 2 days touched us and reminded us of how important it is to be a loving presence, and allow our own humanness in our work with others. Our work is deeply based on the knowing that to be seen, heard, accepted and loved as we are is an essential human need for flourishing.

A poetic response:

A safety of trust
allows us points of connection
in our real humanness
Being with what is going on...
Naming what is going on...
the emotions
the experience
of living in relationship

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

PD opportunity for MIECAT grads and students

Professional Development Weekend for MIECAT
Graduates and Students (2nd year students and beyond only)
Don’t miss this great opportunity to develop your MIECAT skills here in QLD!
With Dr Warren Lett

April  Saturday 20- Sunday 21 2013. 
9.30 – 4.30
Cost: $200
Saturday.20 April:   9.30-4.30
Presence, Process and Value
A workshop implementing the preconscious, subliminal, intersubjective, intuitive resonance at work in companioning.  This will be a process in which 2 or 3 people work together on the inquiry, to make sense of something that emerges, and that matters to one of the three.
The methodological purpose is to see if we can find ways to keep track of what is happening both between and within the participants. Ultimately, we want to discover how and what is happening in the process of the inquiry, that is emergent, that builds on itself, making sense as we go. It also draws strongly on the experience of reflexivity, in order to make sense of our process.
If some of you are interested in using electronic recording bring your equipment and you can use that. Others may just be present, using other ways of recording and reflecting on processes.
This will take up most of the first day.
Sunday 21 April:   9.30-4.30
1. Discussions, questions you carry from your practice, mental health work in various contexts. Opportunity to ask questions and discuss with Warren re his book “An Inquiry into making sense of our lives”.
2. PPR- Professional Practice Reflections from your work. Usually called Supervision. Bring some materials.

 Email  for details on how to book




Thursday, February 28, 2013

A response to a day at GoMA

Inter-Subjective Response


Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art


Dark; dots; patterns; totems; faces; yellow mass; large swirls; recycled; creatively assembled; fantasy forest animals; pink flowers; glitter; spiritual dot lights from body; embodied with light, funny faces – is it fun? Consumerism!! ; buy me, buy me buy me – talking; where am I ? ; bright colours – fun; floating house – eerie sound music!; glass small animals on a long curved shaped table all travelling in the same direction, talking me on a wonderful journey, so much but not overwhelming – feeling love, wonder and pleasure; wall and floor lines combine in swirls moving me; faces replaced; torn from artwork; scary faces woven; wooden sculpture; food on tiny toy trucks – funny; beautiful clouds within around ugly brown structure; disappearing landscapes – sad!!  India;  Interactive dots revealing more through touch.

Lynne Head-Weir

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BrizCATs 2013 Calendar

Hi all BrizCATs

I hope 2013 has begun as you had hoped for; that creative zeal has found its way into the nooks and crannies of your work.


Please find our Calendar for the year  on the calendar tab.