Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BrizCATs 2013 Calendar

Hi all BrizCATs

I hope 2013 has begun as you had hoped for; that creative zeal has found its way into the nooks and crannies of your work.


Please find our Calendar for the year  on the calendar tab. 


  1. Thank you for the invite to your community. It is inspiring to see fellow Art Therapists and like minded people who are passionate about the healing qualities of the Arts doing their thing and supporting each other. I am currently living in Munich Germany teaching at an International School. Although I love teaching and working with children my dream is to get back to Oz and get back into Art Therapy. I plan to be in your area around August and would love to connect with people and be involved in Creative Art Projects. I did have a blog years ago, have not been active for a while. If you have time check it out: http://expressivehearts.blogspot.de
    (de in Germany- au in Oz). I would love to open up a community art space/cafe, anyone interested in being involved? regards Veronika Mihalj veronika.mihalj@gmail.com

  2. Hi Veronika
    I love that the internet can make the world feel more intimate and we can make connections and chat where ever we are spreading our creative wings across the planet... Seems you http://expressivehearts.blogspot.de works best for me..I have joined you.You are welcome to join us in oz and online. Looking forwards to our interconnections

  3. Thank you Gayle, the world really is small and we are so interconnected. Art Therapy is getting quite mainstream here in Germany, there are many practitioners and courses available. Unfortunately without a good grasp of German you are a bit restricted in participating. I have used my time here teaching but also working on my own art now it is time for me to get back out there and facilitate again as I enjoy it so much. Thank you and I also look forward to our connections. Veronika
