Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BrizCATs now on 29th October

BrizCATs gathering is now on Saturday 29th October
10 am -1pm

At The Innovative Space QUT Gardens Point Brisbane

This session will be facilitated by Gayle and Cate with a movement and visual arts flavour.
We hope you can join us for this opportunity to catch up, to share ideas and support each other in our CAT practices.(please note change of date due to the ACATA Conference)

RSVP Please let me know if you are coming or not.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Guided Imagery and Music: And Other News

"It is a room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker's needs"—Dobby explaining to Harry Potter the abilities of the Room of Requirement

Saturday 3rd September, a small group of BrizCATs gathered at QUT Gardens Point in G309. Yes we found the Innovative Space and just like Harry Potter's room of requirement it provided us with the space we needed. Private, quiet, with tea and coffee facilities, and a creatively welcoming atmosphere.

Meran held the space for us as she guided us through a musical expereince and into reflective mandala making.  Thanks Meran for providing  beautiful session, and all the mats

With time for a chitter chat and refelction on our little group, we wondered
  • how else we can support each other 
  • what are the possibilities,
  • what else do we want to inlcude on the blog
  • where is the journal, how is it travelling, and what are the experiences it brings
  • what next

Support and possibilities
We floated ideas around about (in no particular order) possibilities of helping each other and working together on projects, running day or weekend workshops, inviting other creative arts practitioners/therapsits to join us.

 To contribute to the blog 'chatter' page you will need to be made an author. Email Gayle and she will send you an invite.

To contribute and edit other pages you will need administrative rights...(this is for the more tech savvy).  Some BrizCATs pointed out that tech stuff is not their thing: so another option for adding to the blog is to email Gayle or another Blog admin person and we can add it for you.

We wonder about putting more links to various organisations and affilitaions on the blog for easy access. We also thought we could add favourite resources, quotes etc. So send in your favourite links or ideas, or books, or quotes and lets inspire each other.

We also suggested putting up our individual business details on the blog with links to email and web pages for any surfers our there passing through and looking for practitioners. This is something we can explore?

BrizCAT Journal Project
We know the journal is out there somehwere travelling though the BrizCAT community.  We wonder if anyone can tell us where it is, how you expereinced it, or if you are still waiting in anticipation? Email Gayle your jounral news  to crisp.creativearts@bigpond.com

What Next
We have tentatively chosen the 12th November 10am-1pm as our next gathering date.  So put a date claimer in your diaries now.  Cate and Gayle have offered to facilitate the session with a bit of dance and creative arts.We will confrim this as soon as the room is booked and Cate and Gayle know more.

Up coming event to keep your eye out for
Music Therapy conference Australian Music Therapy Association