
Information about BrizCATs
BrizCATs is an informal network of Creative Arts Therapists and Practitioners in the Brisbane and surrounding districts. We are creative arts therapists and practitioners who use a multi-modal, experiential arts approach to the exploration of meanings and the choices for action. This voluntary network offers spaces for collaborative professional reflection and support through open dialogue and sharing. This network allows us to share ideas, to network, to source links and resources that may be of use as we spread our creative wings amongst our Brisbane and wider communities. We uphold a belief in the ethical professionalism of Arts Therapy and welcome our diversity.
Joining BrizCATs is simple: It’s FREE.
If you wish to become member of this group: receive enews, attend events and gatherings, please sign up here  You will receive emails related to gatherings and relevant information re events in Brisbane.  (Probably 2-3 emails per month)

We have gatherings throughout the year and invite our members to  also initiate their own gatherings and invite others through the network.
The types of events and support we are currently organising are
·  CATs in conversation: Creative Arts Therapists are invited to gather at a local pub or coffee shop to catch up and share our experiences (this is an initiative of ACATA (Australian Creative Arts Therapy Association) but you do not need to be a member of ACATA to attend: all are welcome
.CATs gatherings to share ideas, offer peer support and peer supervision (please feel free to organise one at your place and we will support you)
· CATs Days Out:  we sometimes organise visits to galleries and exhibitions.
· CATs Promotion: we promote the work, exhibitions and our members and colleagues through our blog, email, and facebook. Professional BrizCATs can promote their work on the blog .
· BrizCATs Blog: http://brizcats.blogspot.com.au/ allows us a virtual space to hold up to date calendar and contact information along with links and resources.
· BrizCATs facebook is a place to share and connect  https://www.facebook.com/BrizCATs
·BrizCATs Enews is a casual email of current info and happenings sent once a month plus intermittent reminders.
· CAT's advocacy and mentoring, is achieved by maintaining and build industry links and networks as well as supporting up and coming CATs

You may be asking why BrizCATs exists. BrizCATs merged out of my own (Gayle’s) personal need to remain connected and engaged in professional dialogue with others once completing my Masters of Experiential Creative Arts Therapy through MIECAT in Melbourne.  It grew out of small clusters of students(thanks dear friends) that met regularly to practice our procedures and companion each other as we emerged as new arts therapists. We were inspired to grow into something more open and active when we began to host ACATA’s CATs in Conversation in 2011.  The collaborative cry to connect and maintain professional links and provide space to reflect on our  practices  was what motivated me to grow the network into what BrizCATs is today.  I foresee that BrizCATs will grow and change over time as we emerge as a group and our needs change.  So I  invite you engage with us, offer ideas and offer your time to meet up with others.

Gayle Crisp (BrizCATs Coordinator)