Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hi all just wanted to invite you to post your favourite resources and most useful links to the blog.  If you are having difficulites email me the details you want included.


Monday, June 13, 2011

red thread web

As I sit back now and reflect on our Saturday gathering I am feeling rather euphoric and exceptionally connected.  I am wearing my red thread and smile when I look down at my wrist: I am excited and inspired...as I feel the energy build.  Keep the thread moving outwards reaching to others. Thanks everyone
(for those of you who missed the gathering as we chatted and introduced ourselves we handed around red wool..weaving a connection...and then as we left some of us took some of the thread and wore it around our wrists. Amanda told us about the ritual of the red thread when a woman is pregnant and giving birth)
I googled 'red thread' and found that there are many references to red threads in various cultures as part of ritual and story.  As I read I found key words such as 'connection, support, blood, community'...By the way I didn't deliberately choose red wool: I just grabbed it at the last minute as I wondered how we might organise a meeting. I like that.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

BrizCATs: Welcome BrizCATs

Well done BrizCATS. What a great start to what I'm sure will be a supportive and creative venture. I look forward to getting along to a meeting soon. Well done Gayle for this initiative.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

BrizCATs are excited

Wow what an excited bunch of CATs met at West End today for the “Cats in Conversation” 7 women with a connected passion for arts and health/wellbeing...with lively banter and passion we have made a collective decision to continue to meet under the name of “BrizCATs”: and that we can spread the news of gatherings through our own networks. All creative arts therapists/practitioners welcome. 
Our next gatherings are set for
  • 16th July with Amanda and Cate as facilitators
  • 3rd September with Meran and Fleur
More info will be sent via email to the group as it comes to hand.