click here to watch Video of the work of Gabrielle Roth: 5 Rhythms
Embodiment, awareness, attentiveness, emergence: through dance
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Invitationtion to the Gathering 2 Dec
Dec 2nd 9.30 sharp start till 1pm
WHERE:West End (pls contact for more info)
Creative Explorations into CAT professional literature:. Mandy
will be leading us to creatively exploring Chapter 1 “ an Inquiry into
making Sense of Our lives” by Warren Lett. This is part two of a
series of sessions, you can join imn any session and you do not necessarily have
to have a copy of the book but it is helpful. (We will continue to study the
further chapters in future sessions).
plate of food to share and art materials
small $ donation to contribute to the use of the space is greatly appreciated.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
BrizCAT gathering: A MIECAT approach to Business
Saturday 27th October in WestEnd
9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Hosted by Cate and Vonney in West End
BYO: a plate to share
RSVP or questions to
9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Hosted by Cate and Vonney in West End
BYO: a plate to share
RSVP or questions to
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Creative Journey into Meaning - a six-week inspirational journey
Creative Journey into Meaning
An inspirational
six-week journey for your health and creative spirit
gentle creative experience using sound, movement and visual art - shifting old
patterns towards new possibilities & perspectives.
arts therapy is a safe and gentle approach helping us to access memoriesthat
are saved in our senses such as sight, sound, touch and smell.
are what release memories, this approach is what evokes responses that help
reveal the truth of what we feel. So the process becomes our guide.
From these discoveries we identify patterns, make
choices, effect change and find meaning.
Cate Collopy and Vonney Andrews are practicing artists and both have Grad Dip in Art Therapy from the Melbourne Institute of Experiential Creative Art Therapy (MIECAT).
October 11th, 18th, 25th
November 1st, 8th & 15th
5.30pm – 9pm
$40/ session
$240/ 6 weeks
5/75 Victoria St
(access stairs above Style Events)
West End 4101
Contact: to register and for details
Cate Collopy 0402 448 359 or Vonney Andrews 0478 707 368
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Springbrook Retreat Day

Friday, August 31, 2012
CATs in Conversation
Friday, July 6, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Insight towards Growth
Invite from Lynne
This Friday & Saturday (6 & 7 July) there is an
arts festival called 'Flourish' held by & at the Uniting Church, Cnr
Scarborough & Short Streets, Southport.
I am holding a free Creative Arts Therapy Session - Insight towards
Growth - at 10.30 am Friday. I am having
a table & display during the festival on both days. It is an ideal opportunity to be known &
joinly give with others.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Next Gathering: RSVP now!
Feeling Lonesome in your work as a CAT?

7th July
BrizCATs Gathering

(Please note change of venue and time)
“How do I know how I am going?”
creative arts therapists and practitioners.
"How do I know how I am going?" Facilitated
by Amanda Moffat
The focus of this session is to explore
'you' as a professional practitioner. Using multimodal reflexive processes,
this workshop will inquire into the various aspects of your creative practice
and professional self. (Amanda is currently researching her doctorate and
would also like to invite participants to be a part of this research.)
*Please bring a small selection of art
materials you feel inclined to use.
9am Cuppa ‘ Cafe Bistro’ underneath GoMA on the river if
you care to join us for a cuppa beforehand (now that’s a bonus!)
10am-1pm Workshop:
"How do I know how I am going?"
QLD State
Library Southbank.
Level 2 Meeting
Room 2.D
Parking: Parking is
available underneath the art gallery and library for $15 for the day.
Or Southbank railway station is
within walking distance
RSVP: Please let us know your intention to join us by the 4th July
Saturday, June 16, 2012
BrizCATS news for June
BrizCATs news now available at BrizCATs June Enews:
News items include:- Don’t forget our next Gathering is on the 7th July: Please rsvp your intention to come!
- New* CAT Clowder
- New* Mentoring Program
- Projects
- BLOG news
BrizCATs Calendar
Put these in your diary...reminders will be sent closer to each date. | ||
7th July | BrizCAT Gathering and workshop
Innovative Space QUT
Gardens Point
9.30-12.30 |
21st July | CAT Clowder @ Lynne’s
10am - 2pm |
8 September | Cats in Conversation
Story Bridge Hotel Kangaroo Point
12.30-2.30 |
27th October | TBA | TBA |
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
BrizCATs Spaces and Places Watch this short animoto to see some of the places and spaces that some BrizCATs get creative
Friday, May 11, 2012
The BIG Day out at GOMA...whilst there
was only a few of us, prooved to be a fabulous opportunity to hang out and
chatter all day long about our creative arts practices. We managed to find
time to have a wander around the exhibition, have an excellent lunch by the
river and then spend a leasurely time in the kids making space being creative
and observing the public at work with their children. We each came home full of inspiration, good
food, and a little nesting bird to remind us of our day. Thanks to those who made it a great day!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Brisbane MIECAT Taster workshop 28th April 9.00 -4.30
Click here to find out more about the MIECAT Tasteremail to admin@
Lynne is back in action and looking forward to connecting creatively
Weekly Group Sessions : 1pm – 3 pm Fridays [Fee - $40]
Individual sessions : Personalised sessions [Fee - $80. per hr ]
Monthly group sessions : Expressions of interest from co-companions to jointly companion groups at Springbrook or elsewhere would be appreciated.
Monday, March 12, 2012
BrizCATs March enews now available on line
You can now access the latest enews for BrizCATs on the Newletter page
- CATs in Conversation this Saturday
- New Project to become involved in
- Big Day out at GoMA coming up
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Swap Shop News
BrizCATs Swap Shop Offerings
We had a fabulous Swap Shop gathering at QUT in February. Do you feel like you missed out by not being able to make it? We don't want you to miss out. We understand that life as a CAT is not always conducive to coming to gatherings so we would like to share some of our ideas and resources/links here .
Offerings from Karma: Imagine the Land and interesting links
Karma shared with us her work in the Imagine the Land Project

The Imagine The Land Project was gestated in 2008, in 2010 in became a collaborative project with Croatian artist Ekarasa Prem. The project works to re-establish a connection between people and the environment through art. The work uses natural resources in organic, impermanent land based installations.
Karma recommends a show of Gonkar Gyatso, a contemporary Tibetan artist who works with notions of ancient Buddhist practises combined with takes on modern western culture, his work and story is very compelling.@ University of Queensland Art Museum 25 Feb -29 April & Griffith of Queensland Art Museum 25 Feb- 14 April
Karma also suggests these links.
Offerings from Anne : Anxiety in young girls and Soap sculpture
Anne shared with us some of her work with young girls experiencing anxiety. Using a peer support model based on play and creative arts, she suggested using handmade scented soap sculptures to increase levels of connection and nurturing.
Offerings form Lynne: Spiritual reflection and Dialoguing with Images
Lynne shared with us her new book. It included faces and poetic prose that emerged out of her personal spiritual reflective practice of allowing portraits to emerge in her drawings. She followed this with a dialogue with the face which brought her to the rich and inspiring text. To find out more contact Lynne at or visit her webpage.
This work emerged out of Lynne's experience of Faber Spirituality
Offerings from Cate:
Cate shared her art making from up cycled materials. She mentioned a project where participants are given a surprise bag of objects (junk to be reused) The challenge is to create an art work from the objects in the bag (with the possibility of adding a few extra items if needed)...sounds like great fun to me! Cate also shared with us some ideas around Shrine Making: contained sacred spaces in boxes.
This was a great reminder of the fun stuff that can be found at Reverse Garbage
Offerings from Susie:
Susie shared with us some art therapy books that she found inspiring.
Offerings from Mandy: Exploring the experience of cults through arts
Mandy spent considerable time setting up her representation around Experiences of Cults. Below is a picture of it when it was exhibited at MIECAT last year. Unfortunately before we could experience it we had to move venues (due to lack of power in our building and the security guards being worried that we might not know if there was a fire with the fire alarms being turned off). Fortunately we all got to engage hands on in the dismantling of the exhibition getting up close and personal with the content , with its delicate feathers and disturbing images. This led us to a discussion about Cults and other forms of power imbalances and trauma.
Offerings from Gayle: Projects: Artist Trading Cards, And Space and Places
Gayle shared her recent work with Artist Trading Card making and swapping through the '6 Degrees' project. She shared her tiny art works and explained how she had made them (see link below) and swapped them with other arts therapist about the world. She is keen to initiate our own BrizCAT Artist Trading Card swap.(More info to come soon). Gayle also introduced the group to the online Spaces and Places Where We Create Project in conjunction with the Art Therapy Alliance in the hope to create more creative sharing opportunities amongst BrizCATs.
Meanwhile here are some links to wet your creative appetite.
Matisse Exhibition
We had a fabulous Swap Shop gathering at QUT in February. Do you feel like you missed out by not being able to make it? We don't want you to miss out. We understand that life as a CAT is not always conducive to coming to gatherings so we would like to share some of our ideas and resources/links here .
Karma shared with us her work in the Imagine the Land Project

The Imagine The Land Project was gestated in 2008, in 2010 in became a collaborative project with Croatian artist Ekarasa Prem. The project works to re-establish a connection between people and the environment through art. The work uses natural resources in organic, impermanent land based installations.
This conversation between art, culture and Nature evokes ancient ceremonies that lie within the collective subconscious of humanity. We establish a space for people to connect with the land in a cooperative new art exploration and while developing a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with Nature each other. The work draws on ancient world cultural practices particularly basing the template of the work on mandalas and medicine wheels. We have been working in a range of settings from art galleries, public programs at museums and community arts, as I develop my practice towards Arts Therapy I am starting to work in more community contexts with the work.
Karma recommends a show of Gonkar Gyatso, a contemporary Tibetan artist who works with notions of ancient Buddhist practises combined with takes on modern western culture, his work and story is very compelling.@ University of Queensland Art Museum 25 Feb -29 April & Griffith of Queensland Art Museum 25 Feb- 14 April
- Link for making your own book and getting it printed online:
- A very interesting project about war and toys:
Offerings from Anne : Anxiety in young girls and Soap sculpture
Anne shared with us some of her work with young girls experiencing anxiety. Using a peer support model based on play and creative arts, she suggested using handmade scented soap sculptures to increase levels of connection and nurturing.
- We begin by lying on the floor in our own space(wordless classical music playing): tending and relaxing individual parts of the body from the toes up, then the whole body together.
- In the whole body relaxed state, I asked them to remember a time when they felt like this.
- When they had a picture in their mind we each did a painting.
- we Shared our images with each other and asked each other questions to get a feel for each others 'moment'.
- We each then wrote some words on pieces of paper around the painting, that came to mind
- I asked them to choose of one or two of the words from these that seemed to have more importance or 'power'
- Then I asked them to what image came to mind when they pondered that word
- We each created a sculpture of thatimage from soft lavender soap (made to the consistency of stiff dough)
- We shared our words and images.
Lynne shared with us her new book. It included faces and poetic prose that emerged out of her personal spiritual reflective practice of allowing portraits to emerge in her drawings. She followed this with a dialogue with the face which brought her to the rich and inspiring text. To find out more contact Lynne at or visit her webpage.
This work emerged out of Lynne's experience of Faber Spirituality
Cate shared her art making from up cycled materials. She mentioned a project where participants are given a surprise bag of objects (junk to be reused) The challenge is to create an art work from the objects in the bag (with the possibility of adding a few extra items if needed)...sounds like great fun to me! Cate also shared with us some ideas around Shrine Making: contained sacred spaces in boxes.
This was a great reminder of the fun stuff that can be found at Reverse Garbage
Susie shared with us some art therapy books that she found inspiring.
- The Soul's Palette by Cathy Malchiodi
- the Expressive Arts Activity Book by Suzanne Darley and Wende Heath. Susie explained a version of the special box exercise from this book She suggested creating your own unique box then writing on three different pieces of paper, 1. something that you love (eg rainforests) 2. something you want to get rid of (eg my sugar addiction !) and 3. something you want to improve.
Offerings from Mandy: Exploring the experience of cults through arts
Mandy spent considerable time setting up her representation around Experiences of Cults. Below is a picture of it when it was exhibited at MIECAT last year. Unfortunately before we could experience it we had to move venues (due to lack of power in our building and the security guards being worried that we might not know if there was a fire with the fire alarms being turned off). Fortunately we all got to engage hands on in the dismantling of the exhibition getting up close and personal with the content , with its delicate feathers and disturbing images. This led us to a discussion about Cults and other forms of power imbalances and trauma.
Gayle shared her recent work with Artist Trading Card making and swapping through the '6 Degrees' project. She shared her tiny art works and explained how she had made them (see link below) and swapped them with other arts therapist about the world. She is keen to initiate our own BrizCAT Artist Trading Card swap.(More info to come soon). Gayle also introduced the group to the online Spaces and Places Where We Create Project in conjunction with the Art Therapy Alliance in the hope to create more creative sharing opportunities amongst BrizCATs.
Meanwhile here are some links to wet your creative appetite.
- Artist Trading Card Idea
- An Animoto slide show of Gayle's recent Artist Trading Cards
![]() |
books Gayle loves including Lynne's self published book that she shared with us |
![]() |
example ATC |
Following the BrizCATs gathering a few BrizCATs took the opportunity to visit GOMA and the Matisse Exhibition. This also included a delicious lunch and a visit from a very handsome fellow who was keen to show his creamy lips. Apparently he eats here regularly.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Spaces and Places Where We Create Project
open an invitation to any of you who may wish to participate in an inspiring
and connecting project: Spaces and Places where we create. This is a
free online creative project for Arts Therapists and a could be an opportunity
to make new connections and get your work ‘out there’. I have signed
BrizCATs up to take part. By participating through BrizCATs you can help us to
grow our network of support. You can also participate on your own or
through your own organisation or workplace if that suits you.
is some info below or go to
Types of photos or video that this project is looking for include: 1. Images of your creative space: Where you work, intern, your own personal art-making space 2. Commonly used art supplies and media in your art therapy work or internship with clients 3. Favourite technique: An art intervention or technique approach with individuals or in groups 4. If your creative space has changed: Before and after photos |
are several ways to share
BrizCATs; which will give our network some recognition. Email your
photos and information to with :Where
we Create” in the subject and I can upload them for you onto our BrizCATs
site, as well as forward them to the project on behalf of BrizCATs
your own work: contact the project organisers directly
with :Where we Create” in the subject
hope you will join us for some sharing of our creative spaces and places.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Saturday 11th February 9.30-12.30
the year with fresh ideas and lively conversation with other creative arts
practitioners and arts therapists. This is an opportunity to swap ideas,
activities, books, resources etc each person brings something to share
(it could be in the form of a small installation of art work, web links and
notes on activity and a display of business cards, brochure, etc. (bring copies
for others). An opportunity for creative arts therapists and practitioners to
explore and connect.
creative arts therapists/practitioners are welcome ... no cost ... our aim is
to support, share, inspire each other.
Saturday 11th February 9.30-12.30
have booked the space from 9am til 1 for those want some time to set up before
hand or just spend more time catching up)
G Block: Innovative Space QUT Gardens Point
sure of where to go?
For those unsure of finding the venue you can meet at 9 and 9.30
at the “Artisan Cafe” and we will send someone to guide you to G Block. OR
Phone Gayle on 0448877856
For those feeling adventurous G Block is the building
immediately behind/attached to the Artisan Cafe. Go in the wooden door and up
the stairs...through the doors, down the corridor and to the left..usually
there are signs inside the building.
Here is a map
Parking is available onsite under the expressway see map D6:
$6 for 4 hours (note our session is 4 hours, but the room is booked for 5
hours so if you want to be there longer than the 4hours to set up you may need
to move the car at some point)
What to
Snack to
A small display
of ideas, books resources, art work, anything you want to share (or want feed
back on)
PS: could
the ‘communal journal’ please be brought (by whoever has it now)so it can
shared and be handed on.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
January News
Keep you eye out for the dates for the next BrizCATs gathering in February/March.
Lynne Head-Weir of Gold Coast Insight Arts Counselling is leaping into 2012 with a rich selection of workshops that may be of interest to CATs.
To have your event/workshops listed here please email Gayle
Lynne Head-Weir of Gold Coast Insight Arts Counselling is leaping into 2012 with a rich selection of workshops that may be of interest to CATs.
To have your event/workshops listed here please email Gayle
on with GC
Insight Arts Counselling
hours 9am to 4pm Wednesday to Saturday
· Weekly Group
Ongoing sessions
to create increased understanding 1pm – 3 pm Fridays [Fee - $40]
· Individual
sessions for privacy [Fee - $80. per hr ]
day session Dates : have been unexpectedly postponed due to unavailabilty: watch this pace for up coming events
Lynne Head-Weir
Gold Coast Insight Arts Counselling
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