CATs In Conversation
13 July
12.30pm till approx 3pm
CATs in
Conversation: all are welcome
(ACATA initiative)
Bridge Hotel
available for purchase
Intuitive Dance and Art

Are you keen to dance and have time for self reflection? (AND pick up some creative inquiry skills and practice in the process)
This is a weekly event in creative, expressive, intuitive dance with the opportunity to also
reflect using art and journaling?
A chance to dance, be in our bodies, release and
reflect. (loosely using approaches from 5 Rhythms dancing, Authentic
movement, creative dance, MIECAT, art therapies.....)
BrizCATs you are most welcome to join us. The nights activities will
have a loosely facilitated structure for participants to explore ...led by one of our creative arts therapists. (your input is welcome too)
But this is not a class as there is no class fee...we just ask participants to share in the cost of the hall. This will make for a very reasonable night of creativity
and reflection(and exercise). You can
expect to pay no more than$5- $15 for the night depending on numbers. You can
bring friends, and those with no art therapy experience are also welcome.
inlcude 'Yes to dancing' in the subject line and name and a mobile contact number (just in case we ever have to cancel). If you would like a reminder text to be sent to you each week please include a note to say 'yes please text me reminders'.
Tuesdays: 7-9pm
arrive at 7 to warm up
session runs 7.15to approx 8.50pm
CWA Hall
3 Waterloo Street
- clothes suitable for movment ,
- something warm to throw over you when not moving
- a cushion or mat to sit on,
- a journal
- water
PS: It has a Parquetry floor (wear shoes if you need support, otherwise bare feet)
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